
HOME > The Japan Welding News for the World

The Japan Welding News for the world


Winter Issue 2013[VOL.17 No.62]
                / 8pages

What Does 2013 Hold for
the Japan's Welding Industry?


The Domestic Welding Consumables
Gross Demand Volume in 2013
(Calendar Year) Is Forecasted
287,000 Tons Up by 1.3 %
From The Previous Year

In the execution volume of shipbuilding, the last yearユs welding industry underwent a transition on a decrease keynote due to a large down of the order intake volume of ships followed by the previous year, and the demand industries such as steel frame construction, automobiles and industrial machineries have experienced one year with roughly a minuscule increase comparing to that of the previous year when there was an influence of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
However, since a decrease of shipユs welding execution volume is the highest demand industry in the welding consumables demand density (Unit requirement), the influence to welding consumables demand is large, resulting in falling below the previous year in last demand volume of submerged welding wire/flux, covered electrodes, etc. including flux cored wires.


--2013 Forecast--
Approx.103,500 Units
in Production Unit Number
Approx. 35.5 Billion Yen
in Production Amounts
CO2/MAG Welding Machines,
Resistance Welding Machines Grow!
Problem Lies in Recovery of The Export Market!

- Arc welding machines
- Resistance welding machines
- Production forecast for the year 2013
- welding machines


The Shipment for Arc Welding Robots
in 2013 Is Forecasted To Be
19,000 Units (By 1.6% Up)
Amounting to 47.9 Billion Yen
(By 0.2% Up)!


Kobe Steel, Ltd.
Welding Business Unit

in each country/market
all over the world and be
"The Most Reliable Welding Experts"
supporting customers !


FABTECH 2012 Was Held
in Grand Style in Las Vegas, USA!

Exhibited Enterprises / Group Number
Counted Approx. 1,000,
And Visitors Number Recorded
Approx. 20,000 in Actual Number!
An Increase of Exhibition for
Piping Welding And PR for
Software Development Force Are
Highly Visible!

- The Influence of Hurricane "Sandy"
Exerted on Exhibition Contents!

[Interviews at FABTECH 2012]

Lincoln Electric, John M. Stropki CEO

Jeffrey P. Deckrow Director,
North American Sales


PWSI Welding Machine Factory
Starts To Operate!

To Development Reinforcement
in Indian Market!
Panasonic Welding Systems Co., Ltd.

World Schedule of Welding & Cutting Exhibitions,
Feb. 2013 - Jan. 2014

Domestic demand for Welding Consumables
by Product Type
Production of Welding Machines 
Annual(Jan. 〜Dec.)Domestic and Export
Shipments of Arc Welding Robots
Mr. Toshihiro Nakamura,
Sales General Manager of Kobe Steel, Ltd.
Welding Business Unit
FABTECH show 2012 was held
at Las Vegas Convention Center in 4 years
Approximately 20,000 visitors visited
during 3 days
Lincoln Electric, John M.Stropki CEO
PWSI / welding machine factory appearance